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(NPCs that can be turned into slaves)
(NPCs that can be turned into slaves)
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| All sorts of weapons.
| All sorts of weapons.
| This kind of slaves have low health points and even combat skills aren't so high either. But view of guy in Leather Armor with a Gatling can surely scare off your attackers. If we only know, where to get them...
| This kind of slaves have low health points and even combat skills aren't so high either. But view of guy in Leather Armor with a Gatling can surely scare off your attackers. If we only know, where to get them...
| '''[[Combat Slave|Combat Slave (Female)]]'''
| [[File:Hmlthraa sw.gif]]
| No one knows too.
| All sorts of weapons.
| Very similar to male Combat Slave except little lower skills and health.

Revision as of 15:47, 7 February 2010

Slavery is a FOnline: 2238 feature that allows you to capture NPCs and force them to help you. By then, they act pretty much like mercs. However, unlike mercs, your slaves can't handle a lot of weapons, and are less skilled. Besides this, you can sell your slaves to get caps, and set up a real slaver business.


To become a slaver

The slaver perk that you receive when you're marked as a slaver forever.

Being a slaver is the first requirement to be able to enslave people. Once you are a slaver, you'll be marked forever as one with a big, nice tattoo in the middle of your face. It has both advantages and drawbacks. Please note that if you haven't got enough charisma, or if you haven't the slaver perk that Metzger will give you, you can't enslave people.

How to ?

Just talk to Metzger, the Den's leader. He is in the top-eastern house in the town, surrounded by his guards. Ask him to tell you about his life and the place where he is located, and then, there you go ! "I want to be a slaver.". You'll get your tattoo and a nice special perk that has no effect, but makes you unable to forget you're a member of the Slaver Guild. Useful, isn't it ?

Positive side

As a slaver, you will be able...

Negative side

Being a slaver...

  • Some people won't wish to talk to you, like Modoc or Klamath's merchants.
  • Your reputation will change [Needs more informations here].

Selling your slaves

Once you have enslaved people, and once they follow you, you can earn caps by selling them to notorious slavers :

  • Meztger in Den will buy them.
  • Vortis in NCR (Top-left corner of screen) will buy them too.

Male slaves will be bought 200 caps, females will be bought for less.



To enslave, you will need :

How to ?

To enslave someone you need him to be knocked out. The best way to do it is to make his hit points below 0 (Between -20 and 0 a character is knocked out). So shoot at NPCs carefully, avoid to kill them. Once your future slave is knocked out, left click on him and choose the bag icon, then the rope in your inventory :

  • If you achieved to make him a slave, you'll see the message "He will make a fine slave". Heal your slave and talk to him.
  • If you failed at enslaving him or can't, then you'll see another message : "You failed to enslave".

You can't enslave any NPC, only some. See below for which ones...

NPCs that can be turned into slaves

Not all NPCs can be turned into slaves, and most of them can't use a lot of weapons. The following board will help you to get informations about it. A slave that has, for example, his Melee weapon in hand won't be able to use a rifle, because he'll firstly attack with its Melee weapon.

Names Skins Where to encounter Weapons handled Comments
Bandit (Male) Nmmaxxaa sw.gif Near Den and Klamath, rarely caves. Knives, grenades, pistols and SMG. It's really hard to find though bandit, but still possible. With advanced pistols they can scare enemies flooding them with bullets. Unfortunately, not all of them hit the target.
Bandit (Female) Nfmaxxaa sw.gif Near Den and Klamath. Knives, spears, grenades and SMG. She isn't much healthy but can use all kind of knives. Bandit is also good Hand to Hand fighter. She needs large amount of ammunition to hit enemy.
Bootlegger (Male) Nmbpeaaa sw.gif Near Redding, caves. Knives, hammers, grenades and rifles. The fact that he can handle a rifle makes him useful. However he's better melee, throw or Hand to Hand fighter. If only bootlegger was tougher.
Bootlegger (Female) Nfbrlpaa sw.gif Near Redding, caves. Grenades, pistols, rifles. This bootlegger can successfully handle some sorts of guns, but low perception affects her range what makes her more accurate in Hand to Hand combat. She is tougher than looks like.
Combat Slave (Male) Hmlthraa sw.gif No one knows! All sorts of weapons. This kind of slaves have low health points and even combat skills aren't so high either. But view of guy in Leather Armor with a Gatling can surely scare off your attackers. If we only know, where to get them...
Combat Slave (Female) Hmlthraa sw.gif No one knows too. All sorts of weapons. Very similar to male Combat Slave except little lower skills and health.
Ghoul Crazy Naghulaa sw.gif Near Gecko and Necropolis. Spears, rifles. They are good snipers, but really slow. They are really useful guarding a place. If you don't give them any rifle, they are almost useless, though.
Ghoul Scavenger Ghoul scavenger.gif Near Gecko and Necropolis. Spears, pistols. More useful than Ghoul crazies, because they can run, which also makes them harder to catch.
Holy Person Narobeaa sw.gif Everywhere, and particularly at west of Den. Spears, knifes. They are fun :) but almost useless, because they only can handle spears or fight in Hand to Hand.
Homesteader (Male) Nmpeasaa sw.gif Near Redding. Cattle prod and other clubs, sledgehammer. They can be useful with a cattle prod, and if they have a lot of hit points.
Homesteader (Female) Nfbrlpaa sw.gif Near Redding. Knifes, pistols. As the female Bootlegger, useful with a pistol.
Lone Wanderer Narobeaa sw.gif Everywhere. Spears, knifes. As Holy Persons, they are fun :) but almost useless, because they only can handle spears or fight in Hand to Hand.
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