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Maddogaa sw.gif
A canine, probably of a mixed breed.
Proto ID 9
SPECIAL ST:3, PE:3, EN:6, CH:1, IN:1, AG:5, LK:3
XP 40
Derived statistics
Carry Weight 12684
Sequence 6
Hit Points 14
Healing Rate 2
Armor Class 5
Action Points 7
Critical Chance 3
Unarmed Damage 1
Melee Damage 5
Defense Resistance Threshold
Normal 15% 0
Laser 15% 0
Fire 15% 0
Plasma 15% 0
Explosive 10% 0
Electrical 20% 0
EMP 500% 0
Poison 30%
Radiation 12%
Small Guns 25
Big Guns 10
Energy Weapons 10
Unarmed 75
Melee 36
Throwing 20
First Aid 8
Doctor 9
Sneak 20
Lockpick 18
Steal 15
Traps 18
Science 4
Repair 3
Speech 5
Barter 4
Gambling 15
Outdoorsman 14

In the Fallout world, dogs are little different from the ones found in our world, though many have become feral and vicious in order to survive in the harsh environment of the Wasteland. Even so, just as they have in ages past, many dogs have remained faithful and beloved companions to men and women. Probably the most famous of these post-nuclear canines was Dogmeat, the companion of the Vault Dweller.

You can recruit a few different types of dogs as companions. One source is the dog trainer residing in The Salvagers area of The Boneyard. The characteristics of these dogs is different from the data listed on this page. See Mercs page for more information about the dogs you can purchase.

Note: You cannot tame dogs the way you can a Brahmin.

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