Faction Names

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Unless a character is already a faction member, that character establishes a new faction by buying a base, and must thus designate a name for his new faction during dialogue with an NPC base-seller.

Method as of Jan 6th, 2012

This year you choose a name for a faction from a pre-written list of available names. You choose a name from the list and tell the NPC base-seller using the "Say" button during the base-buying dialogue.

In the chat bar, type ~freefactionnames or ~ffn (as shown on the Commands page) and then press F2. This creates a new txt file in your game directory and writes all available faction names to that file. You can then open that file, scroll to the end of the data, review the names and decide which one you like best.

NOTE: To avoid delays, this decision is best done in advance of going to buy the base, so you know in advance which name to use while talking with the NPC who sells the base to you.

Within any single faction, each base also gets a name but a base's particular name can be made up on the spot and does not have to come from an official list. So for example a faction name might be "Super Duper Turbo Guys" and they have two bases in that faction, one named "Gecko Pelts Clubhouse" and the other named "Spore Plants Florists". Their faction name had to be chosen from the official list, but their base names were made up on the spot for fun by the members of that faction.

Method during prior season, 2011

This was when we used a temporary method whereby you'd type "Generic Name" and a number during dialogue. If the number you tried was already taken, you'd have to try again with a different number. This is how Generic Name 13 got its name which later stuck as members decided they liked it. Players sometimes reported spending over an hour trying various numbers attempting to find an available faction name/number using this process, so the new season brings a preferred method.

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