Talk:Types of Traps

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In this article, it is written "Light Step doubles your chances of successfully disabling a trap". Are you sure of this? Because I always thought that light step only made it 50% less likely (half as likely) to set off a trap due to stepping on it. --Ganado (talk) 00:12, 21 June 2012 (CEST)

You are correct. I questioned myself when i wrote that, but i believe that it is true as worded so i left it. Change it if it bugs you. Technically though, something that halves your chances of failing, thus doubles your chances of success. Is that wrong? --Marko (talk) 19:50, 20 June 2012 (CST)
Well, yes, because if my presumption is correct, when you say "success" that means you will turn the trap off or deactivate it. Light Step just gives you the 50% to avoid a ground-based trap, so it isn't about success, only avoiding the trap. I am pretty sure Light Step does not have anything to do with disabling the trap. --Ganado (talk) 05:50, 21 June 2012 (CEST)
Traps skill is used for disabling traps, so your skill matters a lot. It seems a bit weird to have a support perk (requiring just 50% traps) that would decreased the difficulty of the trap by 50%. Its would be like having Living Anatomy requiring only 50% First Aid and not beiing a level perk. But only way to be sure is to ask someone who knows the background details or test it. --Ronillon (talk) 12:41, 21 June 2012 (CEST)
But like I said, it doesn't decrease the difficulty of the trap. It just gives 50% to not set the trap off when you are running/walking over it, iirc. Old changelog wrote Light Step perk description as "Chance when walking over the mine to avoid explosion". Current one says "This perk halves your chances of setting off a trap." but I really think devs just forgot to stay that it only applies to ground mines. But we would need dev to say to make sure if it does or does not, in either case. --Ganado (talk) 13:10, 21 June 2012 (CEST)

Also, another thing, have you ever gotten exactly 50 xp from disabling a bear trap? I find it weird that I got 61 xp, so I'm guessing that the xp is actually 51-61, and not 50-60. --Ganado (talk) 05:58, 21 June 2012 (CEST)

The damage numbers and xp shown on this page are up for editing. I believed it was more important to include this page asap, even with some missing data, than to delay having the page at all just because we're missing some data that only devs can provide quickly. So i added the page and i'm doing my best to include only accurate data, but yes you are good to question the xp/damage numbers because their accuracy is less than 100%. I'm glad we're all sticklers for accuracy. I am too, but at some point we just have to do our best and edit it later as our understanding improves. Question: you said it "only applies to ground mines" but are you sure bear traps are not included? Once i got this perk, i think my traps specialist was immediately better with both types of traps.--Marko (talk) 18:17, 21 June 2012 (CST)
I don't believe I said it didn't apply to bear traps. I said all ground-based traps. --Ganado (talk) 05:06, 22 June 2012 (CEST)

Since no dev is providing the min/max damage numbers for land mines, i'll be editing these as i can over time. I mean, as i get hit for various amounts of damage during blueprint hunts, i'll gradually upgrade the accuracy of these numbers. Feel free to help. -Marko
