First Aid

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First Aid
First Aid.gif
Modifies Amount of hp healed when using First Aid.
Initial level 30% + ((Perception+Intelligence)/2)
Related perks Healer, Healer+, Blessed Are the Weak, Medic
Related traits

"General healing skill. Used to heal small cuts, abrasions and other minor ills. In game terms, the use of First Aid can heal more hit points over time than just rest."

First Aid is primarily used to heal yourself, another player, or an NPC. Your skill % is the highest amount of hp you can restore with this skill. Formula for hp actually restored is Random(2/5*skill,skill) hit points. Besides this formula, there is a 5% chance of either critical success or critical failure - whether it's a success or failure is determined by a Random(0,11) roll vs. healer's Luck. When critical success, number of hit points equal to skill level is healed. When critical failure, Random(1,skill/10) hit points is healed and healer gets weakened.

You can't heal someone if they are weakened. The weakness can be removed with the Doctor skill. First Aid only regenerates hit points, and does not heal injuries - that is the Doctor's job.

Note: You can't use First Aid during a Turn-Based combat.

Note: Using This skill on others makes the healer unsneaked.


The amount of time between each use of First Aid is governed by your skill.
The cooldown time, in seconds, equals 18000 / skill level.

Skill Cooldown
25% 12 minutes
50% 6 minutes
75% 4 minutes
100% 3 minutes
125% 145 seconds
150% 120 seconds
175% 103 seconds
200% 90 seconds
225% 80 seconds
250% 72 seconds
275% 65 seconds
300% 60 seconds

See also

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