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What needs to be done
The following extracts from some of the latest official changelogs list modifications to the game that are not yet represented in the relevant wiki articles. You can help by updating these articles using the information the extracts contain.
Please remember to remove from this page the parts of the changelogs that no longer need to be used.
[Expand] Changelog 16/03/2013
- Ingredients for crafting machines are now counted properly.
- Fixed recycling of items lost in encounters (items lost/left in encounters weren't placed in graves).
- Fixed bugged bargaining with Chris in Navarro, allowing players to get quest item for caps without paying the caps.
- Added missing message when trying to access cigarettes crafting machine while the machine is still working.
- Fixed glitched trunk graphics of the police car (by jotisz).
- Changes for faction friends and people with invited status:
* they aren't considered intruders by followers guarding bases/tents,
* they lose their status if they kill a member of the faction inside the faction base,
* they lose their status if they are killed by a member of the faction (or follower of the member) inside the faction base.
- Access to base is lost only when a non-member is killed inside base by a member of the faction (or follower of the member).
- Rules of enabling sneak have been reworked, it's no longer possible to tag other players to enter sneak in front of them. You can enter sneak when seen by:
* sneaking players,
* disconnected players,
* if you have a temporary team (in Hinkley or events), when seen by the players from your team,
* if you don't have a temporary team, when seen by:
* players from your faction, if it's a player faction,
* players from a faction where you are registered as friend,
* players who tagged you as a group leader,
* players who tagged someone who tagged you as a group leader.
[Expand] Changelog 23/02/2013
- Items with 0 caps base price can no longer be sold to certain merchants for the price of 1 cap.
- Bigger exit grid in Ghost Farm and some other small map fixes in the location.
- Fixed description of Living Anatomy and Explorer perks.
- Disabled possible cause of some accidental big lags on the server.
- Helmets of companions can now be changed/removed via dialog.
[Expand] Changelog 17/02/2013
- Fixed unsneak bug after entering a Combat Zone with 0s Idling Timer.
- Public locations which aren't visible by default (Sierra, Toxic Caves) can become Combat Zones.
- Fixed having not enough charisma (or car out of fuel) could protect you from enforced encounters.
- Fixed issue which caused wrong car placement inside enforced encounters for groups which changed leader during World Map travel.
- Fixed enforced encounters not being visible after exiting when leaving car inside.
- Fixed several small map bugs.
- Predators are attracted also by followers of the player character.
- Crafting stimpaks doesn't require a blueprint anymore.
- You can't come with car to Tent in the Wasteland quest maps (temporary solution for losing cars after the quest is finished).
[Expand] Changelog 14/02/2013
- Fixed graphics of flint item.
- Flamethrower no longer has decreased spread when targeting adjacent critters.
- Tesla Armor now has the same critical modifiers as Metal Armor Mark II.
- Followers attacking a flagged player are no longer limiting the amount of guards responding to hostile actions undertaken by that player.
- Taking a drug (when addicted to it) in a stage between bonus stat drop and addiction penalty no longer causes the addiction penalty to become active a few seconds later.
- Followers waiting inside a tent/base and then told to follow without using a proper dialog option are no longer disappearing.
- Large improvement in stability (as should be seen since the previous update) and some reduction of lags.
- Added Combat Zones and Idlers system (see Combat Zones and Idlers below).
- Tent system rework (see New Tent System below).
- Added predators - wild creatures finding players in real time encounters (see Predators below).
- Added two new special encounters, it should be easier to find them than the old ones.
- New quest: A Tent in the Wasteland. You need to be at least at level 2 to receive it.
- Idling on the World Map is not safe anymore (see Unsafe World Map below).
- Real time encounters aren't closed after 10 minutes anymore. For already existing encounters, you have time to move your cars to safe places until next update.
- To make crafting more flexible, now different items can be used as the same ingredient in crafting machines. For example, both water bags and bottles of water can be used to craft beer. In the future ingredients going to be a part of the Fix-boy recipes.
- Modoc and Klamath/Den replication points moved away a bit from these towns.
- Using science skill on ten brahmin hides doesn't create a tent anymore.
- Significant buff of item spawning in Glow.
- Reduced reputation penalty for grave digging.
- Added/changed a few formations in which encounter NPCs spawn.
- Move parked cars out of real-time encounters.
Additional changes listed here
[Expand] Changelog 26/01/2013
- Fixed guarded town exploit with followers "unintentionally" bursting players.
- Fixed construction site exploit allowing to save the resources used to build a new base.
- Extended Capacitor Battery, Plasma Pistol (Ext. Cap.) and Laser Rifle (Ext. Cap.) can be crafted with Energy Expert 2 profession.
- Changing default combat mode, by using ~combatmode command, does not require relogging.
- Fixed a bug which could kick a player out to the global map from the Old Warehouse special encounter.
- Fixed skipping turns for offline characters with Bonus Move perk.
- Throwing animation for plasma grenades.
- Fixed several small map bugs.
- Implemented grave digging:
* There is a chance for items lost/left in encounters to re-appear in closed graves after some time.
* Digging graves grants permanent Grave Digger karma and results with reputation drop if noticed by NPCs standing nearby.
* NPCs are much less likely to notice this shady activity at night.
* Old shovel breaks after one dug up grave. Crafted shovels don't break (the recipe for shovel was slightly changed).
- Slightly lowered knockback distance per damage ratio for shotguns.
- Radios can be disassembled (use the hand icon to change radio options).
- Changed and added item spawners in Glow.
- Ares mutants respawn time set to 30 minutes (it was 10 minutes).
- Minor interface changes.
[Expand] Changelog 31/12/2012
- Mysterious disappearances of followers hopefully fixed once and for all. (May not work for pre-update companions which saw their master die.)
- Fixed several text and dialog bugs.
- Added space indicator for containers.
- Shotgun burst now has a chance for knockback effect if target is 6 or less hexes away. The chance is 20% per bullet hit (e.g. 3-shot burst has 60% knockback chance, 5-shot 100%, 6-shot 100%).
- Added a few recipes to fixboy for craftable containers:
* Craftable containers can be picked up from ground when empty by using science skill.
* Certain craftable containers can be rotated when empty by using repair skill.
* Containers cannot be dropped in public locations.
- Followers protect only owner (and other followers of the owner) not all faction members and don't react if a faction member who isn't owner attacks someone. They still won't attack members of the owner's faction or their followers who shot them (assuming accident/friendly fire).
- Followers run away to World Map when their leader dies or logs off.
- "Attack everyone" follower modes disabled. Followers have 3 combat modes: 1) protect owner (and other followers of the owner) 2) protect owner and attack intruders in base/tent 3) flee.
[Expand] Changelog 21/12/2012
- Fixed respawning in Hinkley.
- Entering encounter location on several shore tiles resulted with characters being placed in the ocean/sea travel map.
- Caravans and other vehicles without engine don't make engine noise when going to the World Map.
- Fixed several small text bugs.
- When a follower gains a new level, information is visible to his/her master in message box.
- Added possibility to customize color and position of combat messages and verbose actions, see wiki page.
- Configuration settings, VerboseActionHead and VerboseActionBox ("2238" section), changed to ActionVisible ("Messages" section).
[Expand] Changelog 24/11/2012
- "In Your Face!" perk works again.
- Weapon in burst mode was showing incorrect hit chance when autoaim was on.
- Fixed Motion Sensor glitch.
- NPCs no longer use doctor skill in turn based combat.
- Bugged tobacco plants can no longer be found in encounters and some other maps.
- Old Warehouse special encounter wasn't deleted in some circumstances after all players left the location.
- Implemented large doors opening/closing more than one hex. At the moment, the following doors work this way: Vault City gate, metal gate in Broken Hills, gates in outpost bases.
- Empty Bottles can be found around the wastes. They work the same way as waterbags (other uses, not available for waterbags, will be added later).
- Replication timeout for player characters reduced to 20 seconds.
- Some of the (visited) maps appear in the Pipboy's Automaps panel.
- Re-enabled "Flaming Dancer" animation.
- Dogtags can be worn as headgear.
- It's not possible to walk over (and fall into) sewer holes.
[Expand] Changelog 17/11/2012
- Travelers (unhired companions) should no longer get stuck with "they seem to be busy" in bars.
- Motion sensor no longer displays message that it has been depleted after turning it off while there are charges left.
- NPCs now use doctor skill to heal their injuries.
- In Your Face perk now works with nonranged weapons that have the range of two hexes. Also, carrying another weapon in the second slot does not nullify the perk's effect anymore.
- Changes to Armor system:
* Armors no longer lose their DT/DR values with lower condition.
* Instead armor has a chance to receive "partial bypass" on critical as well as non-critical hits - chance to be bypassed for each bullet when condition goes under 50%
* Chance for each bullet to bypass is calculated by formula (50-condition)*2%. (e.g. 0% bypass chance at 50% condition, 50% chance at 25% condition, 100% chance at 0% condition)
* "Partial bypass" has no effect on traditional critical hit bypass.
[Expand] Changelog 10/11/2012
- Removed tobacco from bases, tobacco regeneration should work again.
- Tobacco and barley graphics is updated when the plants regrow.
- Significantly reduced weight of some unreasonably heavy (over 5kg each) crafting items (Upgraded Power Servos, Advanced Super-Burn Mix, Parts of a detonator, Extended Magazine, Extended Capacitor Battery, Hot-wired Plasma Bolt Chamber, Improved Capacitor Battery, Magnetic Field Targeting System, Improved Heaterchamber, Scope, Speed Loader, Laser Pointer).
- Lowered base prices of barley (5 caps), tobacco (40 caps) and fruits (10 caps).
- Stealth Girl perk is easier to find (you need need only 100 repair or 100 sneak to see the dialog, but you won't be able to learn the perk until you meet full requirements).
- On head damage indication now shows crippled limbs.
- Motion sensor:
Shows charges left on inventory screen.
Can be recharged from inventory using repair skill.
Capacity increased to 10 minutes.
Decreased Small Energy Cell consumption (now uses 5 Small Energy Cells or 2 Micro Fusion Cells per minute).
[Expand] Changelog 30/10/2012
- Fixed issue with mobs waiting 30 seconds in turn based mode if enemy is behind door they can't open (e.g. in various quests).
- Fixed NPC in Unity encounters who was carrying rocket explosions instead of explosive rockets.
- New special encounter with rare vehicles: truck, firetruck, police car, motorbike (the type of the car is picked randomly).
- In turn based mode the characters of players who disconnected end turn automatically at the beginning of their turn.
- Introducing headgear perks, currently used for non-armor headgear (mirrored shades, goggles and ball gag can't be obtained outside events yet):
Spectacles (eye glasses): add +3, +2 and +1 bonus to Perception for characters with respectively 1, 2 and 3 Perception.
Mirrored Shades: add +1 bonus to Charisma.
Goggles: protect character from being shot in eyes (eye shots are changed to head shots).
[Expand] Changelog 25/10/2012
- Fixed issue caused by locker complexity being lower than 0, which caused some of chests that were supposed be easily lockpickable to be unlockpickable.
- Fixed exploit with unlimited movement in TB after going in/out of cave (by Mike Wall).
- Brahmin should no longer escape the pens. The pens will be unblocked.
- Fence doors and pen gates no longer block field of view.
- Howitzer shells can be disassembled.
- Agile Thugs near New Reno spawn with a weapon they can use.
- Fixed several small map and text bugs.
- New animation sequence for ponytail tribal: running (by Horatio).
- New animation sequences for black guy in metal armor: running, club, spear, SMG, shotgun, rocket launcher (by Jotisz).
- Disabled command: ~influence.
[Expand] Changelog 10/10/2012
- To detonate plastic explosives with toggle switch, player character must be in the same map and within range of 40 hexes from the explosives.
- 72% sneak penalty when carrying activated explosives.
[Expand] Changelog 20/08/2012
- It's no longer possible to stop antiblock counter by moving from one antiblock hex to another (requires regenerating existing maps, it will be introduced gradually).
- Applied certain fixes to slaveruns, consult comments under
- Field of view contours should work properly with the Sharpshooter perk.
- Hirable homesteader will travel to faction bases (the oldest faction base that does not have a homesteader yet, if any).
- Followers will not jump to the world map if they cannot actually reach an exit grid.
- Followers can no longer be assigned to characters during their logout time.
- Limit for cumulative crafting cooldown increased to 6 hours.
[Expand] Changelog 10/08/2012
- Team colors in Hinkley don't disappear when characters leave field of view.
- Uranium ore regenerates.
- Private mines don't disappear anymore until all resources in them are mined. Foremen will be unblocked by Game Masters.
- Containers in Maltese Falcon can be accessed by room owners.
- All jobs which used to modify Town Control influence should work now (fixed before update).
- Tribal dummy removed from the trapper tents base (from existing bases after a function patching them is run).
- Enabled armor bypass message on lethal critical hits.
- Reduced Blueprints spawning in Ares and Glow.
- Added improved flamer blueprint.
- Fixed crafting recipes: Minigun, Power Servos, Mega Power Fist.
- Players no longer say NPC taunts when near an NPC looter who found an armed explosive.
- The origin location of the companions doesn't change each time you talk to them.
- Encounter Guards now pickup their own weapons even when thrown out of hand of a looter.
- Updated some wrong/misleading descriptions of statistics in character screen.
- Combat Helmet MkII and Enclave Combat Helmet MkII now have a radio function.
- Added selling cheap slaves in Khans hideout.
- Guards in towns remove items they loot if the items weight something (the guards shouldn't become overweight anymore).
- Various changes related to shoveling brahmin poop. Explore!
[Expand] Changelog 19/07/2012
- Guards inside the Salvatore's Bar and the Shark Club will protect the player characters.
- Mega Power Fist and Power Servos appear in Fixboy.
- Supermutants in the gunrunner caravan quest no longer drop weapons due to criticals.
- NCR Residence area is now accessible via Town/World*button on the worldmap.
- Cumulative crafting timeout (1 hour)
- Montag gives a quest tip if a player confuses town well with the water pump.
- Added blueprints to loot container in the Glow.
- Slightly adjusted critical hit tables.
- NPC don't loot armed explosives anymore. NPC looter will also shout warning about the bomb and all NPCs in close distance will move away.
[Expand] Changelog 28/06/2012
- A new repeatable quest, talk to Martin at Westin's Ranch.
- Minor resistance modifier increase for JHP ammo.
- Add Helmet Anti Crit Modifiers to their pages and to armors category.
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Stranded_Rust -> Boxes fragmnet please