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Deterioration is a statistic that modifies weapons and armors efficiency.

When they are use, weapons deteriorate, and when you wear an armor and you are shot, your armor deteriorates too ! When a weapon is deteriorated, it had more chance to cause critical failure.


Basic informations

Causing deterioration

  • Armors deterioration is caused by shooting on someone that is wearing the armor.
  • Weapons deterioration is caused by shooting with the weapon. Melee and hand to hand weapons do not deteriorate.

Deterioration effects

Deterioration is showed in per cents, up to 100. The more the number is high, the more this weapon is deteriorated.

  • The more an armor is deteriorated, the less it protects from harm.
  • The more a weapon is deteriorated, the more it has chance to score critical failures.

Steps of deterioration


An item that reaches 100% deterioration is broken. Once it is broken, you can't use it, but with a high repair skill you can repair it, and make it back to 0% deterioration, and usable again.

An item can break down 10 times, then it's useless - neither usable nor repairable.



  • You can decrease the deterioraiton by performing Repair on the weapon - but it is recommended that this is done by a player with a Repair skill (over 100%).
  • Failing in fixing will make weapon worse, so it's sort of a gamble.

See also
