To do

From FOnline: 2238 Wiki
Revision as of 23:44, 2 May 2012 by Ronillon (Talk | contribs)

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There are three things to be done in wiki. Improving and updating existing pages or creating new ones, helping with current projects or correcting language mistakes on every article (only for native speakers).


What needs to be done

  • Welcome (Instructions about wiki editing) needs attention - Ronillon 14:51, 12 December 2010 (UTC)
  • Update affected pages according to FOnline 2238 Changelogs
  • More informations on critter pages. - Ronillon 18:30, 18 December 2010 (UTC)
  • On every resources article, the "Items that need this resource..." list need to be updated. A lot of weapons need to be removed from those lists.
  • Skills article is bad. Obviously, there's more to say about a skill than just "it is the art of doing this action".
  • Pip-Boy and Fix-Boy articles.
  • Templates needs to be checked/updated/created. For example Template:Resource
  • FOnline: 2238 Wiki:Copyrights should be filled with more appropriate information.
  • Find loving parents for Orphaned pages. Link them appropriately so they could be easily accessed.

Projects you might help with

Pages waiting for facts/mechanics verification

Not sure about your changes? Just write down here the articles that need to be checked for facts/mechanics flaws! Once an article is checked, it will be removed from here by the checker.

Pages waiting for english language improvements

Not sure of your English skills or vocabulary ? Just write down here the articles that need to be checked by our English natives ! Once an article is checked, it will be removed from here by the checker.
