A Man's Job

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Talk to Hammilton in the Boneyard Library and he will ask you to track down and kill one of his workers who has left. He will also show you the closest train station, which is in Boneyard. You must go there and ask four people about the missing man. The fourth person will point you toward the next train station. Go there and ask four more people and you'll find that the missing person boarded the train to NCR. Follow your leads asking four people at each of the four stations and you'll eventually track him back to a shady man at the NCR train station who will tell you the location of the man, whose hideout is nearby to the west.

When you confront your target, you have two options: kill him or spare his life. If you spare his life and have low charisma, Hammilton will know and send thugs to kill you, so watch out.



Items if you assassinate your target:


This is one of the quests that allow all of the train stations to be highlighted on a character's map. Others include:

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