Types of Traps

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Bear Traps
Footlocker surrounded by Bear Traps.
Example of finding Bear Traps surrounding a footlocker that might contain blueprints.
Damage 25 - 80
Occurrence Around some footlockers
Damage Type Normal
XP to disarm 50-61
Frag Mines
Footlocker protected by Frag Mines.
Example of finding land mines surrounding a footlocker that might contain blueprints.
Damage  ?? - 150
Occurrence Around some footlockers
Damage Type Explosion
XP to disarm 50

There are two types of traps that can be found sometimes surrounding footlockers: Bear Traps and Frag Mines, either of which can be disarmed. Be careful when you approach footlockers because traps only appear as you get closer, based on your Perception. If your PE is low enough, you might not see any traps at all even if you're standing right next to them.


You can disarm a trap to clear it and get to a footlocker. Use your Traps skill on a trap to attempt to disarm it. If you succeed, the trap disappears and you get some xp. If your attempt fails, you can be seriously injured, crippled or even killed.

You can use traps to kill opponents. Get them chasing you and carefully lead them past some traps. As you turn a corner, they will usually run right into them. Watch out for Frag Mine explosions though - if you're standing too close when someone else sets one off then you will take damage.

Normally, these traps cannot be added to a character's inventory. During pre-wipe madness however, it may be possible to pick up Frag Mines and set them in strategic locations.

Note: Even with Light Step and a very high Traps skill, a character can fail 3 consecutive attempts to disarm a trap.

Associated Attributes

  • Traps skill, the primary factor when dealing with traps.
  • Light Step doubles your chance to avoid setting off a trap.
  • Perception determines how soon you see traps when you approach them.
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