Advice for beginners

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Here are a few advice that beginners should read. They are really useful and may save your life. Really, this article is a gold mine, pay attention to it.

For help getting started with FOnline:2238 go here, it contains informations about how to create a good character, starting in game, and so on.

If you need any extra help other than that guide, it might be a good idea to check that whole section of the forum here.


  • Once you're in the game, you may want to know some useful shortcuts. F1 will show them. Players use mostly the keys Q (Shows your sight), W (Shows your range) and A (Shortcut to attack).
  • Take care, in the beginning, random encounters are deadly. Even rats can kill you if you don't run fast enough ! But as soon as you've grabbed a gun, you'll be able to slay 'em all !
  • At the beginning, trust nobody.
  • Get yourself a tent. You'll need 10 brahmin hides, and they are hard to get. Check shops often for them.
  • Several towns contain a brahmin pen (Klamath, Modoc, Vault City, Redding, NCR...). Talk to the pen keeper, grab his shoveller and you're ready to clean the pen from all the shit there is ! Talk again to the pen keeper when you're done, you'll be paid both in caps and experience points. See the shit shoveling page for more details.
  • Beware when you're in towns without guards (Most of North towns), gangs there will kill you without any hesitation. You can try to do some quests there to gain your first levels.
  • You can go in the desert and enter in a random location to search for resources. Resources are needed to craft items. Once you've gathered a few resources, you can craft some primitive but useful tools.
  • When you've got your first gun, avoid any human encounter. Try to kill spore plants, rats, little geckos, little radscorpions, brahmins and so on. Dogs are tough, take care.
  • Open a bank account in whatever town you start. It costs 100 caps but it's worth it.
  • If you keep dying in random encounters, tag the Outdoorsman skill making a new character, it will help you a lot, once raised.
  • Pay attention to your reputation. Attacking or stealing in a guarded town might enhance NPC's hatred. Killing slavers will make you hated in Den, killing Raiders will make you hated in NCR, and so on. Of course, animals are usually reputations-free, so you can kill them all harmlessly for your reputation.