Player Tracked Suggestion List

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Player Tracked Suggestion List

PTSList is project that should help developers to keep track about suggestions made by players but this can also help players to find out what has been already suggested and how well the previous suggestions did.

Status levels:
Implemented -  already ingame
Possible - suggestion with good chances to get implemented partially, with changes or completely
Pending - currently frozen suggestion (f.e. suggestions about 3D models)
Unknown - suggestion with unknown fate
Outdated - no longer viable suggestion
Unlikely - suggestion that will most likely never make it into the game

Note: Every suggestion has "Unknown" status as default. Status may change based on our experiences on what may and may not be implemented into the game. So basically we are trying to objectively sort and rate our own suggestions here. Most of the suggestions can be sorted out by players themselves, but in some cases the opinion of GM or developer will be needed.
Please try to sort suggestions with caution and don't patronize those you support. We are trying to create objective list of suggestions here and if you alter suggestion status just because you think it should get implemented won't make it so.

Interface, Cosmetics & Minor Suggestions

Train`s [June 10, 2010 - Exodusek] Unknown
Followers automatically attack thieves  [May 30, 2010 - Roachor] Unknown
real time combat issues [June 04, 2010 - Granit] Unknown
Marking Enemies or Friends, a more convenient solution [June 09, 2010 - Liam] Unknown
thief should not be protected [June 09, 2010 - imstillalive] Unknown
Guards take all loot in guarded towns [June 09, 2010 - xanister] Unknown
Marauders arent snipers! [June 08, 2010 - kraskish] Unknown

Game Mechanics

Items & Crafting

Professions, Jobs & Other

Perk, Trait & Skill

Technical, Forum, Web & Related

Personal tools