Street Queens

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« Noobs, noobs never change ... »

-- The Great Book of Noobism



« Everyone was a noob once. If dude says he wasn't - lies »

-- Confucius

"Ophanage" in polish - that's us!

Street Queens was founded by Wichura (present leader), Parano (retired scavenger) and Manero (member of Rogues gang) in Third Era of 2238 world. Idea was to help people start with game, give them shelter, few items if needed. This is still our main goal. Wasteland is harsh, they say. Well, we are the less harsh part. Polish players heard of an Orphanage maybe - that's us. Nothing common with "The Orphans", totally different group. We are not interested in "anti-PK" or "PK" rubbish, we are not interested in military allies and so on. Some gangs just don't shoot us on sight, as we don't. It's more than enough for Wasteland's standards.


« What do you mean 'I didn't take the ammo'?! »

-- random SQ member

Other people's plot is more holy than your momma's panties. Don't touch!

One word: anarchy. There are people who might be consider as "elders of the tribe", they play for a long time as members of SQ, however we are not an army. No ranks, drill sergeants, orders or duties. Thank the Ratgod.

Unfortunately this affects our combat harmony sometimes. Many of us has wifes and/or kids, so using voice communication could cause serious consequences in our homes. We are using in-game radios and IRC channel to communicate instead. No families or relationships are harmed because of that.

SQuad setting a trap. All ready to go. Finally.


« This is insane, I'm dying all the time. »

-- average fresh meat

We can't promise you immortality. We can't promise you won't die anymore. But we can do our best to give you advices and build recipes, some basic stuff, help with leveling your chars, caps for professions etc. All new members are adding to our "kindergarten" base first. It's their business and a matter of trust if they want to see our other hideouts. Suprisingly many of them never comes back after week or so. If you want to join us, feel free to enter IRC channel #sq, you may also visit our forum [1]. Polish players only. No age requirements, we are not interested in marriages.



-- unknown PvP-ape

Except main idea of helping and spread noobism philosophy, we don't keep one way of playing. Some of us shoot people, some of us shoot mutant patrols or caravans, some of us craft all day long, others troll constantly in NCR's Bazaar. Anarchy means freedom too. Oh, we perform so called player-events sometimes, like Fight Club or Cannonball Race.

In the ancient, dark times, when powerful Science magic was working in Turn-Based mode, we used to be brave Spartan warriors, despising of armor or boomsticks. Many cowardly Persians took serious pain and item-damage these days.

Cannonball Race - lucky winners.
First Rule - never talk about Fight Club. We keep breaking it all the time.
No gunz for you, Persian!
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