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Small guns


Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
.223 Pistol Decker.gif Ren1.jpg 249 Ren2.jpg IvanSyomin ACCEPTED UPLOADED
.44 Magnum Revolver Magnum2.gif Magnum untextured2.png 212 Magnum textured2.png TommyTheGun ACCEPTED UPLOADED
9mm Mauser Gizgun1.gif Mauser untextured.png 138 Mauser textured.png Giemz, Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED
10mm Pistol Pistol.gif 10mmpistol untextured.png 158 10mmpistol textured.png SmartCheetah ACCEPTED UPLOADED
14mm Pistol Smgpstle.gif 14mmPistol untextured.png 48 14mmPistol textured.png White Tiger ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Desert Eagle .44 Magnum.gif Deagle2 untex.png 110 Mrgazodeserteagle1.png Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Desert Eagle (Exp. Mag.) Deagle2.gif Deagle untex.png 124 Mrgazodeserteagle2.png Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED
PPK12 Gauss Pistol Gaussptl.gif GaussP ren01.jpg 228 GaussP ren02.jpg IvanSyomin ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Needler Pistol Needler.gif Needler untextured.png 163 Needler textured2.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Zip Gun ZipGun.gif Zip untextured.png 185 Zip textured.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED

Submachine guns

Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
10mm SMG Uzi.gif 10mmSMG unttextured.png 120 10mmSMG textured.png mikq2 ACCEPTED UPLOADED
H&K G11 Hkg11.gif G11 untextured.png 124 G11 textured.png Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED
H&K G11E Hkg11e.gif G11e untextured.png 149 G11e textured.png Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED
HK P90c Hkp90c.gif P90c untextured.png 288 P90c textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
M3A1 "Grease Gun" SMG Greasegn.gif Grease untex1.png 93 Grease textured.png pistacja, Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Tommy Gun Tommygun.gif Tommy untextured.png 205 Tommy textured.png Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED


Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Assault Rifle Grifle.gif Ar untextured.png 176 Ar textured.png Elmehdi, Gray ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Assault Rifle (Exp. Mag.) Assrifl2.gif Arcap untextured.png 192 Arcap textured.png Elmehdi, Gray ACCEPTED UPLOADED
FN FAL/FN FAL HPFA Fo2 FN FAL.png Fnfal untextured3.png 162 Fanfal textured3.png Elmehdi, Gray ACCEPTED UPLOADED
FN FAL (Night Sight) Fnfallow.gif Fnfal2 untextured2.png 156 Fnfal2 textured2.png Elmehdi, Gray ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Hunting Rifle Hrifle.gif Hunting untextured.png 185 Hunting textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Scoped Hunting Rifle Hrifle2.gif Scoped-hunting untextured.png 211 Scoped-hunting textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
M72 Gauss Rifle M72gauss.gif Grifle untextured.png 505 Grifle textured1.png Jotisz ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Pipe Rifle Springun.gif Piper untex.png 64 Piper tex.png Haraldx ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Red Ryder BB Gun Rrbase.gif Bbgun untextured2.png 159 Bbgun textured2.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Red Ryder LE BB Gun Rrspec.gif Bbgunle untextured2.png 202 Bbgunle textured2.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Sniper Rifle Sniper.gif Srifle untextured.png 430 Srifle textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
XL70E3 Indweap.gif Xl70e3 untextured.png 317 Xl70e3 textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Railway Rifle Railwayrifle 8bit.png Rwrifle untextured.png 225 Rwrifle textured.png NastyKhan ACCEPTED UPLOADED


Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Shotgun Shotgun6.gif Shotgun untextured.png 169 Shotgun textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Sawed-off Shotgun Soshotgn.gif Soff untextured.png 125 Soff textured.png Haraldx ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Combat Shotgun Assshot.gif Combat-shotgun untextured.png 192 Combat-shotgun textured.png Luther Blissett ACCEPTED ACCEPTED
H&K CAWS Hkcaws.gif Caws untextured2.png 192 Caws textured2.png TommyTheGun ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Pancor Jackhammer Jackhamr.gif Pancor untextured2.png 243 Pancor textured2.png Elmehdi, pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED

Big Guns

Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Minigun Minigun.gif Mini untex.png 382 Mini tex.png Haraldx, Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Avenger Minigun Aminigun.gif Mini untex.png 382 Aveng tex.png Haraldx, Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Vindicator Minigun Vminigun.gif Vindicator untextured.png 612 Vindicator textured.png Giemz, pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Bozar Bozar.gif Bozar untextured2.png 282 Bozar textured2.png Elmehdi, pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Light Support Weapon Lightsup.gif Lsw untextured.png 316 Lsw textured.png Elmehdi, pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED
M60 M60.gif Untex m60.png 566 Tex m602.png SxDemon ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Rocket Launcher Rlaunch.gif RL untextured.png 222 RL textured2.png Ztormi ACCEPTED UPLOADED
M202a1 Rocket Launcher Sprite m202a1.gif M202 untextured.png 272 M202 textured.png Graf ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Flamer Flamethr.gif Flamer untextured.png 396 Flamer textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Improved Flamer Iflameth.gif Iflamer untextured.png 430 Iflamer textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED

Energy Weapons


Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Alien Blaster Ufogun.gif Alien untextured.png 217 Alien textured.png 3dZipp0 ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Laser Pistol Lasergun.gif Laserpist untextured.png 174 Laserpist textured.png Giemz, pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Magneto-Laser Pistol Mlaspist.gif Magneto untextured.png 203 Magneto textured.png Giemz, pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Plasma Pistol Glock.gif Plasmapist untex.png 180 Plasmapist tex.png Giemz, pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Plasma Pistol (Ext. Cap.) Plaspst2.gif Plasmaext untextured.png 228 Plasmaext textured.png Giemz, pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED
YK32 Pulse Pistol PULSEPST.gif Pulsepist untextured2.png 198 Pulsepist textured2.png Elmehdi ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Solar Scorcher Solarscr.gif Scorcher untextured.png 202 Scorcher textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Phazer Phazer2.gif Phazer untextured.png 174 Phazer textured.png 3dZipp0 ACCEPTED UPLOADED


Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Laser Rifle Lrifle.gif Lrifle untextured.png 474 Lrifle textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Laser Rifle (Ext. Cap.) Lrifle2.gif Lrifleext untextured.png 576 Lrifleext textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Plasma Rifle Plasma.gif Prifle untextured.png 580 Prifle textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Turbo Plasma Rifle Plas2.gif Tprifle untextured.png 550 Tprifle textured.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
YK42B Pulse Rifle Pulserif.gif Pulse2 untextured.png 519 Pulrifle textured.png Gray ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Gatling Laser Minilazr.gif Glaser untextured2.png 318 Glaser textured2.png Gray ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Sonic Shotgun Sonicshotgun 8bit.png Sonic untextured.png 395 Sonic textured.png NastyKhan ACCEPTED UPLOADED


Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Rock Rock.gif Rockuntextured.jpg 108 Myrock.jpg bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Gold Nugget Rock2.gif Rockuntextured.jpg 108 Goldnugget.jpg bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Throwing Knife Knife2.gif Tknife untex.png 60 Tknife tex2.png Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Plant Spike Plntspik.gif Spike untex.png 90 Spike tex.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED

Unarmed Weapons

Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Boxing Gloves Boxglove.gif Bglove.png 120 Bglove textured.png mikq2 ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Brass Knuckles Brsnuck.gif Untex bc.png 68 Tex bc.png pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Spiked Knuckles Brsknkls.gif Untex spkn11.png 76 Tex spkn.png pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Power Fist Gaunt.gif Powefst untex.png 86 Powefst tex.png Luther Blissett ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Mega Power Fist Mpwrfist.gif Megapwfst untex.png 86 Megapwfst tex.png Luther Blissett ACCEPTED UPLOADED

Melee Weapons


Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Knife Oknife.gif Knife untex1.png 98 Knife tex.png Mr_Gazo, SmartCheetah ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Old knife Knife.gif Knife2 untextured.png 148 Knife2 textured.png Graf ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Combat Knife Knife3.gif Cknife untex.png 157 Cknife tex.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
"Little Jesus" Jknife.gif Jesus untextured.png 156 Jesus textured.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Wakizashi Blade Wknife.gif Wakifix untextured.png 101 Wakifix textured2.png Gray, Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Switchblade Switchbd.gif Switchblad untextured.png 83 Switchblad textured.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Shiv Shiv.gif Shiv untextured.png 76 Shiv textured.png SmartCheetah ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Ripper Vblade.gif Theripper untextured.png 160 Theripper textured.png Haraldx ACCEPTED UPLOADED

Clubs and Hammers

Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Club Club.gif Club tex2.png 116 Club untex2.png Haraldx ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Louisville Slugger Slugger.gif Slugger untextured.png 110 Slugger textured.png Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Cattle Prod CattleProdFallout.gif Cattleprod untextured.png 183 Cattleprod textured.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Super Cattle Prod Catprod2.gif Scattleprod untextured.png 239 Scattleprod textured2.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Plasma Torch Plmtorch.gif Ptorch untextured.png 228 Ptorch textured.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Sledgehammer Sledge.gif Sledgehammer untextured.jpg 84 Sledgehammer textured.jpg Haraldx ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Super Sledge Ssledge2.gif Sslkarpov untextured.png 338 Sslkarpov textured.png TheBob, Karpov ACCEPTED UPLOADED


Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Spear Spear.gif Spear untextured.png 47 Spear textured1.png LagMaster, Haraldx ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Sharpened Pole Spear3.gif Stick untextured.png 32 Stick textured.png Giemz ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Crowbar Crowbar.gif Crowbar untextured.png 53 Crowbar textured.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Shovel Shovel1.gif Shovel untextured.png 56 Shovel textured.png Giemz, Graf ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Old Shovel Rustyshovel.gif Shv untex.png 111 Shv tex.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Pickaxe Pickaxe 8bit.png Pickaxe untextured.png 32 Pickaxe textured.png NastyKhan ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Wrench Wrench.gif Wrench untextured.png 70 Wrench textured.png Giemz, pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED


Throwing explosives

Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Dynacord Stick Dynacord.gif Dynac untex.png 48 Dynac tex.png Haraldx ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Grenade (Frag) Grenadeo.gif Frag untextured111.png 132 Frag textured.png Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Grenade (Plasma) Grenadep.gif Pnade untextured.png 159 Pnade textured.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Grenade (Pulse) Grenadeq.gif Pnade untextured2.png 80 Pnade textured2.png Giemz, pistacja ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Holy Hand Grenade Holygren.gif Holy untex.png 90 Holy tex.png bikkebakke ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Molotov Cocktail Mola.gif Molotov untextured.png 74 Molotov textured.png Mr_Gazo ACCEPTED UPLOADED

Demolition charges

Name Sprite 3D model Polycount Skinned model Credits Status File
Plastic explosives Plastion.gif Plastic untextured.png 70 Plastic textured.png White Tiger ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Dynamite Dynamite.png Dymanite untextured1.png 66 Dynamite textured1.png White Tiger ACCEPTED UPLOADED
T45LE Mine T45LE Mine.gif T45le untextured.png 98 T45le textured.png 3dZipp0 ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Frag Mine Frag Mine.png Fragmine untextured.jpg 78 Fragmine textured.jpg 3dZipp0 ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Plasma Mine Plasma Mine.png Plasmamine untextured.jpg 158 Plasmamine textured.jpg 3dZipp0 ACCEPTED UPLOADED
Pulse Mine Pulse Mine.png Pulsemine untextured.jpg 186 Pulsemine textured.jpg 3dZipp0 ACCEPTED UPLOADED
T13 Antipersonnel Mine T13 antipersonnel mine.gif.png Anipersonnel untextured.jpg 78 Anipersonnel textured.jpg 3dZipp0 ACCEPTED UPLOADED

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