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Modifies Chance of being detected while sneaking
Initial level 5% + 3 x Agility
Related perks Silent Running, Ghost, Silent Death, Thief
Related traits Small Frame

"Quiet movement, and the ability to remain unnoticed. If successful, you will be much harder to locate. You cannot run and sneak at the same time, unless you take Silent Running perk."

Sneak allows a player to become totally invisible, unless he performs an attack. If he has the Silent Running perk, he can even run while being sneaked, which allows him to infiltrate enemy lines, for example. However, players can see you if you get too close to him, depending on many things (See the Modifiers section for more informations).

Note: You can enter Turn-Based combat sneaked, but you can't enter sneak once Turn-Based combat has started.



Sneak is subject to many modifiers, its mechanics differ from those of Fallout1/2. These modifiers are constantly checked by the game.

  • FOV: When your character is out of the opponents Field Of View, the sneak is automatically successful.
  • Minimum distance: Up to 3 hexes from opponent, your character is always visible, regardless your sneak skill.


  • Occluders: For being next to a wall. 1 hex, or 5 with Ghost perk (can't increase skill above 300% cap): +30%.
  • For being hidden behind an object (there is an unpassable scenery between the opponent and the target no more than 2 hexes from the opponent): +60.
  • Having active Stealth Boy in one of active slots gives +60% to the Sneak skill. Stealth Boy disappears on use and grants a 20 minutes long Sneak bonus. Consuming more resets the timer to 20 minutes
  • Sneak is capped at 300%, after which penalties are applied.


  • Armor:
  • Weapons:
    • -36 for two handed rifle in active slot, -72 for heavy weapons in active slot.

Against an opponent

  • Direction - direction of the opponent has big impact, basically, the area around opponent is divided into four parts, and each part modifies your sneak skill value as follows:
    • Front: -72
    • Front-sides: -36
    • Back-sides: -12
    • Back: 0
  • If your opponent has active motion sensor in an active slot, he will have +2 Perception for the purpose of sneak detection (not capped at 10).

Actions that make you visible again

The following actions may remove your sneak, and make you visible again to your enemies' eyes.

  • Attacking.
  • Running (If you haven't taken the Silent Running perk).
  • Wearing a powered armor, as said above (PA, APA, etc).
  • Looting containers and bodies by "take all".
  • Looting bodies while sneaked has 50% chance of desneaking.
  • Picking up items from the ground while sneaked demands successful steal test. The weight is checked.
  • Active Motion Sensor reveals all critters in 15 hexes radius (whether behind a wall or not). It consumes Small Energy Cells and Micro Fusion Cells. Use Science on it to see remaining charges.


The opponent is invisible whenever its distance from the observer increased by final Sneak/6 is larger than observer's FRONT sight range (regardless of the actual direction).
