Salesman 300

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This is a salesman. He gets in a lot of fist fights. He's not a prize fist fighter, but by level 24 he's very tough and highly resistant to critical damage. This build was designed with the end-goal in mind: to yield a max-Barter character with strong Carry Weight who doesn't get killed when he's carrying loads of goods to and from NPC vendors. With high Outdoorsman, he should get fewer forced encounters, and when he does get them, he won't be knocked down as often, will be more resistant to groin shots and other critical wounds and will be more resistant to all damage in general, with Hit Points ending at 172.

NOTE: The lower a character's PE, the easier he is targeted by thieves. Keep this in mind as you buy and sell, especially with a low PE character.

NOTE: Some players have reported that Barter skill over 150 (or 200?) may not grant any benefit! If that is true, this build should be modified accordingly, for example to allow for higher Perception as noted above.

Leveling Tip
As with other PE 1 pugilists, he starts doing much better at level 12 with the In Your Face! perk, and can heal easily on broc flowers alone. Once leveled to 24, he starts his sales career.




  • Skilled (Required for max skills by level 24)
  • Heavy Handed (Knocks down his opponents! An important trait for a pugilist)


Support Perks

Leveling Perks

See Also

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