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Quests table

Quests list


"you're too low to survive in the wasteland"

Go to the fortress of the Regulators/Gunrunners (building surround by radioactive goo) and speak to the guard wearing a combat armor near the little merchant. He will have pity for you and will teach you how to use a small gun.

Prerequisite: Be lvl 1!

Reward: +15% small gun, a 10mm gun and some ammo.

Broken Hills

Brotherhood of Steel


The Den

Becky's craps table

Talk to Rebecca in Becky's bar near the town entrance and ask her for a job, repair her craps table (you get only one chance), then, if you succeed, talk to her.

Prerequisite: 50 repair is a good advice

Reward: 200$ and 300 exp.


The Hub





Join the Enclave

Go to Navarro and talk to Chris, the guy in purple robe. He will ask for 60 Micro Fusion Cells. After giving him what he wants, take the little path above between the trees and use the computer in the booth in front of the base entrance to confirm your integration.

Cost: 60 Micro Fusion Cells (50 Small Energy Cell if Cha is 10)

Reward: part of Enclave faction

New Reno

A delivery for mister Metzger

Go talk to Little Jesus Mordino in the Desperado casino of New Reno. He will offer your a job: deliver a briefcase to Metzger, the slaver in The Den. Note that you will have only on chance. If you lose the briefcase, the quest is lost for ever (and other Little Jesus's quests as well). Surprised that you are alone for the delivery, Metzger will give you a shotgun and few ammo to defend yourself against the wasteland. Go back to Little Jesus Mordino to complete the quest.

Prerequisite: at least 4 in charisma or intellect

Reward: a shotgun, few shells, some caps (according to your charisma) and 800 exp from Metzger. 1500xp from Little Jesus Mordino. Your reputation will increase by 150points with slavers, decrease by 200points with Regulators and people will consider you as a slaver.

Join the Mordino family

Ask Little Jesus Mordino to be part of his family, he will ask you to deal Jet for him. You have two ways to finish this quest:

  • Go find Jimmy J. in New Reno center district. Offer him jet, he will want to buy the whole briefcase. Tell him that 2000$ is not enough to screw with Mordino family and finally accept (You get only one chance, don't screw it). You'll get 2000$ but don't go talking to Little Jesus or you will feel his wrath.
  • Do what Little Jesus Mordino ask you to do and come back to him. Reward shall vary according to the Jet quantity you sold. As an example, you can get 4500xp, 40jets, m60, a magnum and 100 ammo. The customers are:
    • Kitty from the Cat's Paw (city entrance) will take 50 doses. Tell her you work for the Mordinos (Mandatory).
    • The Corsican brothers in the Golden Globes Porn (center district). As long as you represent the Mordinos, they'll buy. You need a good charisma to sell to them.
    • Jules in the city entrance will take 50 to 200 doses according to your charisma (or speech skill?). You get only one chance, don't screw it.
    • Renesco in the west district who keeps a drugstore. Talk to him, ask him what he sells and then offer him some jet. He'll take 100 doses.
    • Jimmy J. in the center district will offer your 2000$ for the whole briefcase. Refuse and sell him 150 doses instead.
    • Angelina Bishop, Bishop's daughter in the Shark Club casino (center district) will buy if you tell her you are a freelance. You need a good charisma to sell to her.
    • T-Ray in the Gas Station will take 50 to 100 doses according to your charisma.

Prerequisite: have a least 3 charisma and have done the A delivery for mister Metzger quest. Have some levels (can't do the quest if too low).

Reward: 2 possibilities:

  • 2000$
  • 4500xp, a m60, a magnum, 100 ammo, 40jets (maybe more/less items) and part of Mordino family (reputation changes significantly with all city/faction)

Wright's contacts

Talk to Orville Wright (east district). He asks you to check on 3 of his contacts in New Reno. You have to speak with them is this precise order:

  • Billy in the Shark Club (center district) near the bartender
  • Pretty Boy Lloyd in the Salvatores Bar (center district)
  • Kitty in the Cat's Paw (south district)

Prerequisite: Have at least 3 in Charismae vous vérifiez 3 de ses contacts à New Reno. Dans l'ordre :

Reward: 95$, 17 ammo for 9mm, a 9mm gun and 400XP. A Sawed-off Shotgun with 10 in charisma on top of that.




San Francisco

Vault 13

Vault 15

Vault City

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