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The terrible face of the False God...

Richard Grey, mostly known as The Master, was the leader of the Mutant Army that roamed California around the years 2150s. For the Children of the Cathedral, he was the "New God" - the "Dark God" for their enemies. It is a creature made of humans and electronic parts melted together. He is the main villain of Fallout 1 and commonly considered as one of the best NPCs in the Fallout series.


The Master was born Richard Moreau in Vault City, where he became a doctor. Exiled from the city for an unknown murder, he changed his name to Richard Grey and headed south, to Hub, where he met a ghoul named Harold. Together, they set up a caravan business. When their caravans got attacked, an expedition including the two leaders headed to Mariposa, where everyone got killed, except Richard Grey and Harold. Harold managed to escape, but Richard slowly mutated, trapped for approximately a month in the base, into the creature that would soon be known only as The Master. He started to catch humans there and dipped them into vats, where they became Super Mutants. Then, he set up an army, and when he discovered the vault under the Cathedral (L.A. vault) he moved to it, and built the Cathedral above the fallout shelter to hide his will of power.


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