Factory Special Encounter

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The area of the Factory Special Encounter
A Big Gray Box

The Factory is a Special Encounter that can be found on city tiles on the world map. Some high quality crafting supplies can be found here.

What is there

There are a bunch of square big gray boxes, in addition to lockers, tables and workbenches. The workbenches can't be used for crafting. You can find Dean's Electronics, Big Book of Science, Parts of a detonator, Upgraded Power Servos and Improved Heaterchamber inside them.

The crafting materials that can be found in this location include at least:

There is an office room which has one locked door that is either unpickable or very hard to pick, and another door which is stuck. Rumor has it you can use a Crowbar and/or Tool to unstuck the door. This remains uncertain at the moment. No key was found, which means this place must be found as a Lockpicker in order to get all of the loot.

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