These are the commands everyone can use. Just type them into the chat bar, without the [ ].
- ~awareness
Enable/disable on-screen informations about characters hp and used gear. You need the awareness perk to use this command. Default: ON
- ~changepassword [old password] [new password]
Changes current character password. Use * instead of space.
- ~cuttheveins
Performs suicide (Works only when < 0hp).
- ~deleteself [password]
Deletes current character after full logout (3 minutes). Use * instead of space.
- ~disbandparty
Disbands all NPC followers (Mercs, slaves...) - removes them.
- ~disbandparty away_team
Disbands only party members that are outside of your current map (not location).
- ~exit
Exits game.
- ~myinfo
Displays informations about logged character.
- ~names
Refreshes colorized names (defined in NameColorizing.txt)
- +requesthelp [message]
Sends message to random online Game Master. See the requesthelp article for more informations.
- ~timeouts
Turns on/off on-screen timeouts display. Default: ON