Sawed-Off Shotgun

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Sawed-Off Shotgun
Someone took the time to chop the last few inches off the barrel and stock of this shotgun. Now, the wide spread of this hand-cannon's short-barreled shots makes it perfect for short-range crowd control.
Damage 19 - 27
Single AP: 4, Range: 7.
Burst AP: 5, Range: 5, Rounds: 2
Damage type Normal
Ammo 12-gauge
Ammo capacity 2
St. required 4
Type Single-handed
Weight 1814 grams
Base price 240 caps
Crafting table
Soshotgn.gif x 1
Requirements Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
Resources 1 x Shotgun6.gif and
1 x Metal trash2.gif and
2 x Pump2.gif
Tools Sttable.gif
XP 24


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