Gathering Cooldown

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Revision as of 14:06, 7 March 2010 by Kyborek (Talk | contribs)

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Gathering cooldown is a timeout, that is set each time you gather a new resource. It cannot stack, so you will have to wait for the countdown to reach zero to be able to gather something again. Each resource sets a different cooldown, for example, junk sets a cooldown of 90 seconds and Electronic Parts a 220 seconds cooldown.

  • The gathering cooldown can be seen in your Pip-Boy, by pressing the "P" key twice.

Cooldown list

Item Timeout
Broc Flower 240 seconds
Electronic Parts 220 seconds
Fibers 150 seconds
Flint 150 seconds
Fruit 360 seconds
Iron Ore 360 seconds
Junk 90 seconds
Meat Jerky 290 seconds
Minerals 360 seconds
Xander Root 240 seconds
Wood 62 seconds