From FOnline: 2238 Wiki
Seen with
93 HP and Spear or Hunting Rifle or Shotgun, gains experience and levels for killing critters when enslaved.
106 HP and Spear or Hunting Rifle or Shotgun.
125 HP and Spear or Hunting Rifle or Shotgun.
144 HP and Spear or Hunting Rifle or Shotgun.
This NPC is enslavable, he is great with Hunting Rifle, Sniper Rifle(It is not a good idea to give these slaves sniper rifles, as they tend to die very fast due to their low Hit Points and damage resistence), Assault Rifle, only in PvP Matters, but in PvE matters, he is also great with Spear or Sharpened Spear. In crowded places they are effective with Shotgun too
He is very slow. (Even slower than a Super Mutant!)