Lifting caravan boxes

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How the job works, in the Hub.

Lifting caravan boxes is one of the FOnline: 2238 available jobs, which means it is a task you can achieve to earn some money. A caravan master, in a town, will ask you to lift 10 boxes from one of his caravan carts. The task will take you a few minutes, then you will get paid 200 caps and 50 xp. The wage and experience points reward are the same in every town.


  • You can carry only one box at a time. Whenever you lift it, it will have no effect as the box will disappear.
  • Boxes have to be lifted in some special area, near the caravan cart, among a pile of other boxes. Lifting them anywhere else will not count.
  • There is a cooldown to this quest, you have to wait 15 minutes to do it again in the same town (But meanwhile, you can travel to another city to do the job there).

Towns where the job is available
