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The general competency of the player character. A measure of your experience and abilities. When reaching a new level you gain a few hit points and new skill point to raise your skills, and, every three or four levels, a new perk. In FOnline: 2238, the limit of levels your character can achieve is 24. After you get to level 24, it will still say that the next level is in 300000 XP points, but this is not possible even if this amount is surpassed.

Level Required Experience points New perk available New perk available (If skilled trait is chosen)
1 0 No. No.
2 1000 No. No.
3 3000 (+2000) Yes ! No.
4 6000 (+3000) No. Yes !
5 10000 (+4000) No. No.
6 15000 (+5000) Yes ! No.
7 21000 (+6000) No. No.
8 28000 (+7000) No. Yes !
9 36000 (+8000) Yes ! No.
10 45000 (+9000) No. No.
11 55000 (+10000) No. No.
12 66000 (+11000) Yes ! Yes !
13 78000 (+12000) No. No.
14 91000 (+13000) No. No.
15 105000 (+14000) Yes ! No.
16 120000 (+15000) No. Yes !
17 136000 (+16000) No. No.
18 153000 (+17000) Yes ! No.
19 171000 (+18000) No. No.
20 190000 (+19000) No. Yes !
21 210000 (+20000) Yes ! No.
22 [to-do] No. No.
23 [to-do] No. No.
24 [to-do] Yes ! Yes !
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