The Glow

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Glow elevators

The Glow, known before the war as the West Tek Research Facility, was founded in 2002 and is located in southern California. It was a facility dedicated to making advanced weapons and biomedical sciences research. Its scientists made, for example, the Power Armor and the first version of the Forced Evolutionary Virus before the virus was moved to the Mariposa Military Base.

During the Great War a nuclear missile exploded on the facility's surface, resulting in the destruction of the FEV containment tanks and releasing the virus into the atmosphere, turning the whole area into one of the most irradiated in California.

Haunted by security robots and deadly due to radiation, this location in FOnline: 2238 is pretty dangerous for lone travelers. It contains six underground levels that you can access using some old elevators. Rumors say that on the mysterious, underground level 5 you can find pre-war weapons, ammunition and armours.

Strategy Tip
The elevators can be confusing. Note that elevator A only spans levels 1, 2, and 3. Elevator B only spans levels 3, 4, and 6, skipping level 5. Elevator C connects levels 4, 5, and 6. So you must go to level 6 to get to level 5, thus using all 3 elevators. Robots guard all levels and regenerate after you kill them.


  • Serious radiation levels begin as you approach the Glow
  • Deadly robots protect the interior levels
  • Access to/from Level 5 is dependent on broken generator (Level 6) which requires constant repair
  • Requires concurrent use of multiple does of anti-radiation meds
  • Extended exposure to radiation due to delays from locked containers that require very high Lockpick skill.
  • Surrounding area populated by Rad Toads and Endless Walker
  • Collisions with other players who compete for the prized loot


See also
