Caravan cart

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A Caravan Cart is intended to carry items for merchants. A visible location that everyone can see on the world map is created where users enter a random encounter with a caravan cart.

Caravan Carts have a different spawn point than normal humans, dont panic if you hit a random encounter and dont see it right next to you, it is on the map somewhere.



With the cart's key in your inventory, just click on the cart and move on the worldmap like normal. Player that have tagged you will have an option to follow you if they are close enough. To put items into the cart simply click on the boxes in the cart with they key in your inventory and you will be able to load it up.


Paul, the cart seller in NCR

You can buy carts from Paul in NCR (in the bazaar, where your car would park in the fallout 2 game). Talk to him with enough caps in your inventory and one brahmin (to pull the cart) following you and you'll be able to buy a cart. The cart will spawn right after that behind Paul's shop, and you'll have a key in your inventory.


To sell your cart, talk with Paul when holding key to car in your hand. Keep in mind that the cart matching the key must be on same map as the dealer.

Cart Maintenance

If your cart runs out of fuel it will stop on the world map so be sure to stop and give your brahmin water from time to time by clicking on it and selecting the little bag icon. Then click on Water Bag in your inventory, and your cart will be refueled. You will also have to repair it from time to time (Using the Repair skill).


If you run out of water and fuel, it is a good idea to stay on the world map until someone arrives with more water for you so it lessens the amount of time you are visible. If you are alone you may run into trouble if you have no water, you will have to abandon your cart to get water and return. The whole time it will be visible to other players who can lockpick it.

If you loose the key you can only use your cart with lockpick, dont loose it.


Caravan Carts can be purchased in a few sizes. These are the different options available to you in FOnline: 2238.

Medium Sized

(A large caravan cart in the desert)
  • Price : 4,000 caps.
  • Holds : todo kg
  • Max. fuel : 5.

Large Sized

  • Price : 5,000 caps.
  • Holds : todo kg
  • Max. fuel : 5.
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