San Francisco

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San Francisco's sign as seen in Fallout 2.
« We must protect our honor, stranger. »

- Wong Yi Tze, Shi doctor.



San Francisco - also known as Frisco - is mainly inhabited by Shis, that are the descendants of the chinese crew of a submarine that crashed near the town during the war. There are also the members of a church that will, eventually, become the Hubologist church, but that is for now named the Elronologists cult. There are also some punks, artists or disenchanted people from various cities, and ex-military personnel that have taken over an old oil tanker still floating in the harbor. They will usually trade expertise for goods, although they prefer to be left alone. Being far from the New California Republic state, San Francisco is safe from the state's greed. Remnants of the Master's army, mercenaries, Enclave Patrols, press gangs, Elronologists, and mutated animals plague the surrounding area making it quite inaccessible to weak or crudely armed travelers.


San Francisco is not of much interest in FOnline:2238. For now, it hasn't many quests and its traders are quite poor. It's not part of the town control, since it's a guarded city, so large groups avoid it, and many players prefer going to NCR than in Frisco, because of the dangerous area surrounding it, where a random encounter often means a violent death.


  • The shit shoveling is enabled in San Francisco, since there is a brahmin pen near the main entrance. A beginner or a low-level player may earn his first caps and xp here.
  • San Francisco also contains some quests.
  • You can trade with some merchants there.

See also

The Vault's article about San Francisco

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