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A still used to distill Rotgut.

There are stills located all over the world. Stills are used to make Rot Gut.

How to use it

Just put inside some firewood and Fruits, then use Science skill and wait a short while (for about 2 minutes in real time) during which the still makes **puff** and **hiss** noises. Once it stops doing noises, you can loot your Rotgut.

By using one piece of Wood and five pieces of Fruit, you receive one Rot Gut. Up to 10 bottles of Rot Gut can be made in a single batch.

Using a still does not add time to any cooldowns.

Still Locations

  • In Trapper Town in Klamath, there is a still in the small building.
  • In Den, east of the Slaver's Guild building.
  • In Modoc, there is a still in the northeast corner of town, east of Rose's Bed and Breakfast.
  • In Ghost Farm, there is a still on the west side of the Slag's underground base.
  • In Redding there is a still in the warehouse building in the northeastern corner of the town.
  • In Old Town in Hub, there is a still in the lower right building after entering.
  • In Gecko, there is a still in the northernmost building in town that looks like a warehouse.
  • In Junktown, there is a still in a little house that is two houses directly down from the North Gate.
  • In New Adytum, there is a still at the southwest corner of the town.

Stills are also available in all faction bases.

See also

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