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Modifies NPC reactions, Prices, Party Size
Related perks Gain Charisma, Karma Beacon, Magnetic Personality
Related traits Good Natured

"A combination of appearance and charm. A high Charisma is important for characters that want to influence people with words. Modifies: NPC reactions, and barter prices."

Charisma is used for

  • Communication with NPCs, some will not talk to you unless you have at least 3 Charisma.
  • Is needed to transport Players or followers on worldmap. (Total charisma-1 = Number of Players or followers that can be transported at once.)
  • Requirement for some quests.
  • Charisma also allows you better rewards in most of the quests.

Note: You can't have more than 10 Charisma. Not even by using drugs.



Except for Leaders who need 10 in Charisma to transport most possible people, Charisma is put at the lowest by players. The non-existence or almost of quests, and besides quests where charisma is important, returns it useless except to travel with other players. If you are not a Leader, fall it to 1, or maybe 3 if you want to trade with NPCs. If you are a scout, very mobile and fast (With Outdoorsman), it would be necessary to have 2 or 3 in Charisma, just to be able to transport people quickly in emergency situations (it arrives very often !). If you have a point you don't know what to do with, or if you like travelling in groups but you are a Warlike or other, you can put it to 2. It is recommended to the solitary players to go up its charisma to 3 to be able to speak to all the NPCs and have access to the traders, quests...

These drugs are affecting Charisma

Skills modified by Charisma

Each SPECIAL point spent in Charisma will increase these skills :

See also

Personal tools