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Revision as of 10:47, 31 August 2010 by Sishare (Talk | contribs)

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A pack of pre-war cigarettes. The label says 'Lucky Shot'.
Effects Immediate: +1 to Perception, -1 to Charisma
-1 to Perception after 100 minutes

After the wipe of 30/08/2010 :Positive effects of the above drugs last 30 real minutes, after which time they subside with no negative effects, unless the player gets addicted. The addiction lasts for 1 real hour and reduces AP by 1.

Addiction 15% chance of addiction
-1 to Perception after 3 hours; effects last 20 days

After the wipe of 30/08/2010 :Positive effects of the above drugs last 30 real minutes, after which time they subside with no negative effects, unless the player gets addicted. The addiction lasts for 1 real hour and reduces AP by 1.

Weight 100 grams
Base price 3 caps

Crafting table
Cigarettes.gif x 1
Requirements None
Resources 2 x Tobbaco2.gif
Tools Sttable.gif
XP 10
Personal tools