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| Oknife.gif x 3 | Melee Weapons: 60 and
Science: 40
| 1 x Pump2.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif
| | 14 |- | Sledge.gif x 1 | Science: 40
| 1 x Pump2.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif
| | 14 |- | Spear.gif x 1 | Melee Weapons: 60
| 1 x Pump2.gif and
1 x Spear3.gif
| | 10 |- | Pistol.gif x 1 | Small Guns: 45
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
3 x Pump2.gif
| Sttable.gif
| 17 |- | Uzi.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 2
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
1 x Pump2.gif and
1 x Metal trash.gif and
2 x File:.gif
| Sttable.gif and
| 242 |- | Hrifle.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
2 x Pump2.gif and
1 x Alloys.gif and
2 x Metal trash.gif
| G&a.gif and
| 120 |- | Flamethr.gif x 1 | Big Guns: 30 and
Science: 40
| 2 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x Pump2.gif and
1 x Alloys.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif
| Sttable.gif
| 110 |- | Minigun.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Big Guns): 2
| 6 x File:.gif and
1 x Metal trash.gif and
6 x File:.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif
| Sttable.gif and
G&a.gif and
| 1400 |- | Rlaunch.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Big Guns): 1
| 4 x Metal trash.gif and
4 x Alloys.gif and
2 x File:.gif and
1 x Pump2.gif
| Sttable.gif and
| 500 |- | Plasma.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 3
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
3 x Metal trash.gif and
5 x File:.gif and
3 x Alloys.gif and
4 x File:.gif and
4 x V15comp.gif
| Sttable.gif and
Deans.gif and
| 1400 |- | Lasergun.gif x 1 | Energy Weapons: 30 and
Science: 40
| 1 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif and
1 x V15comp.gif
| Sttable.gif
| 44 |- | Magnum.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
1 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x Alloys.gif
| G&a.gif and
| 76 |- | Brsnuck.gif x 1 | Unarmed: 50
| 1 x Pump2.gif
| | 10 |- | Smgpstle.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 2
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
2 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x File:.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
Sttable.gif and
| 307 |- | Grifle.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 2
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
4 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x Alloys.gif and
2 x File:.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
Sttable.gif and
| 505 |- | Glock.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 2
| 2 x File:.gif and
1 x Alloys.gif and
2 x File:.gif and
1 x V15comp.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif and
2 x Dcells.gif
| Sttable.gif and
Deans.gif and
| 698 |- | Grenadeo.gif x 5 | Profession: Demolition Expert: 1
| 5 x Gunpowder.gif and
2 x Pump2.gif and
1 x Metal trash.gif
| Sttable.gif and
| 100 |- | Grenadep.gif x 10 | Profession: Demolition Expert: 2
| 1 x File:.gif and
1 x Rock3.gif and
1 x Metal trash.gif
| Sttable.gif and
| 200 |- | Knife2.gif x 1 | Science: 40 and
Throwing: 40
| 1 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif
| | 30 |- | Shotgun6.gif x 1 | Small Guns: 45
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
2 x Pump2.gif and
1 x Metal trash.gif
| Sttable.gif
| 48 |- | Ssledge2.gif x 1 | Melee Weapons: 125 and
Science: 80
| 3 x File:.gif and
5 x Alloys.gif and
4 x V15comp.gif and
1 x Sledge.gif
| Sttable.gif
| 600 |- | Vblade.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 3
| 1 x File:.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| Sttable.gif and
| 400 |- | Lrifle.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 1
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
4 x Metal trash.gif and
3 x File:.gif and
6 x V15comp.gif and
5 x Alloys.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| Sttable.gif and
Deans.gif and
| 900 |- | Gizgun1.gif x 1 | Small Guns: 45
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
1 x Pump2.gif
| G&a.gif and
| 14 |- | Sniper.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 3
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
3 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x Alloys.gif and
1 x Pump2.gif and
4 x File:.gif and
3 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
Sttable.gif and
| 1000 |- | Mola.gif x 10 | Throwing: 40 and
Outdoorsman: 40
| 5 x Gutrot.gif
| Sttable.gif
| 120 |- | Cprod3.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 1
| 1 x File:.gif and
1 x File:.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif and
2 x V15comp.gif
| Sttable.gif and
| 110 |- | Rrbase.gif x 1 | Small Guns: 45
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
2 x Pump2.gif
| Sttable.gif
| 24 |- | Brsknkls.gif x 1 | Unarmed: 70
| 4 x Pump2.gif and
2 x Flint.gif
| | 50 |- | Gaunt.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 2
| 1 x File:.gif and
1 x V15comp.gif and
1 x File:.gif and
2 x Metal trash.gif
| Sttable.gif and
| 320 |- | Knife3.gif x 1 | Science: 40 and
Melee Weapons: 60
| 1 x Metal trash.gif and
2 x Flint.gif and
2 x Firewood.gif
| Sttable.gif
| 40 |- | Decker.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 3
| 1 x Hrifle.gif and
3 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x Alloys.gif and
2 x Pump2.gif and
3 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
Sttable.gif and
| 446 |- | Assshot.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 2
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
3 x File:.gif and
1 x File:.gif and
1 x Alloys.gif
| Sttable.gif and
G&a.gif and
| 510 |- | Hkcaws.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 3
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
2 x Metal trash.gif and
4 x File:.gif and
1 x Alloys.gif and
2 x File:.gif
| Sttable.gif and
G&a.gif and
| 814 |- | Spear2.gif x 1 | Melee Weapons: 60
| 1 x Spear.gif and
1 x Flint.gif
| | 4 |- | Tommygun.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
4 x Metal trash.gif and
5 x Pump2.gif
| Sttable.gif and
| 150 |- | Hrifle2.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
| 1 x Hrifle.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
| 0 |- | Hkp90c.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 3
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
3 x Metal trash.gif and
2 x Alloys.gif and
1 x Pump2.gif and
4 x File:.gif and
4 x File:.gif
| Sttable.gif and
G&a.gif and
| 1200 |- | Magnum2.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
2 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x Pump2.gif
| G&a.gif and
| 62 |- | Spear3.gif x 1 | Melee Weapons: 60
| 1 x Firewood.gif
| | 4 |- | Greasegn.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
5 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x Alloys.gif and
4 x Pump2.gif
| Sttable.gif and
G&a.gif and
| 212 |- | Fnfal.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 2
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
2 x Metal trash.gif and
2 x Alloys.gif and
1 x Pump2.gif and
2 x File:.gif and
2 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
Sttable.gif and
| 668 |- | Indweap.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 3
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
3 x Alloys.gif and
3 x File:.gif and
5 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
Sttable.gif and
| 1219 |- | Jackhamr.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 3
| 4 x File:.gif and
3 x File:.gif and
2 x Metal trash.gif and
2 x Alloys.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif
| Sttable.gif and
G&a.gif and
| 1015 |- | Soshotgn.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
| 1 x Shotgun6.gif
| Sttable.gif and
| 0 |- | M60.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Big Guns): 2
| 2 x Metal trash.gif and
4 x File:.gif and
3 x Pump2.gif and
2 x Alloys.gif and
4 x File:.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif
| Sttable.gif and
G&a.gif and
| 1200 |- | Needler.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 2
| 1 x Firewood.gif and
2 x Metal trash.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
Sttable.gif and
| 154 |- | Aminigun.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Big Guns): 3
| 1 x Minigun.gif and
3 x File:.gif and
2 x File:.gif
| Sttable.gif and
G&a.gif and
| 600 |- | 44mspeed.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
| 1 x Magnum2.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
| 0 |- | Catprod2.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 2
| 1 x Cprod3.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| Deans.gif and
| 0 |- | Iflameth.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Big Guns): 2
| 1 x Flamethr.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| Sttable.gif and
G&a.gif and
| 0 |- | Lrifle2.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 2
| 1 x Lrifle.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| Sttable.gif and
Deans.gif and
| 0 |- | Mlaspist.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 1
| 1 x Lasergun.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| Sttable.gif and
| 0 |- | Deagle2.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 1
| 1 x Magnum.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
| 0 |- | Assrifl2.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 2
| 1 x Grifle.gif and
1 x File:.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
Sttable.gif and
| 102 |- | Plaspst2.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 3
| 1 x Glock.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| Sttable.gif and
Deans.gif and
| 0 |- | Mpwrfist.gif x 1 | Profession: Energy Expert: 3
| 1 x Gaunt.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| Deans.gif and
| 0 |- | Fnfal.gif x 1 | Profession: Gunsmith (Small Guns): 3
| 1 x Fnfal.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif and
3 x Alloys.gif and
5 x File:.gif and
3 x File:.gif
| G&a.gif and
Sttable.gif and
| 1117 |- | Shovel1.gif x 1 | Science: 40
| 1 x Pump2.gif and
1 x Firewood.gif
| Sttable.gif
| 14 |- | Dynacord.gif x 10 | Profession: Demolition Expert: 3
| 6 x File:.gif and
1 x File:.gif
| Science.gif and
Sttable.gif and
| 400 |-

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